Firstly I’d like to point out how meta this is, using WordPress to talk about using WordPress. We’ve broken the fourth wall. Secondly, if there’s any WordPress creators or moderators or anything out there reading this, I’d like to apologize in advance for bashing your website design. I’m sure you’re proud of it and you’re all wonderful people.

While using WordPress in class and making the posts for the shared class site, I found it to be fairly simple to use. It also can be quite eye catching, and while I don’t spend much time exploring other people’s WordPress sites, from what I can tell it’s fairly easy for visitors to navigate as well.

However, I got home and decided to make my personal site a little flashier. And that’s where they lost me. It took maybe ten minutes to post the original posts to the class site, since all I had to do was copy and paste the labels, and insert some photos here and there. I spent close to an hour just trying to figure out how to make blog posts on a new site page, and apparently you can’t even do that? Which makes zero sense, in my humble opinion, because I’m sure people other than just me want to make posts about different topics on different pages. Maybe I missed something, maybe the tutorials I read gave me incorrect information, but I just could not figure it out. On top of that, there was no way to move my previous blog posts into the new site page. Which also makes no sense. Thank you WordPress.

I ended up making one very large post of all of Llenis’ items out of frustration. Honestly flows quite nicely, I almost like it more than the individual blog posts. That being said, I wish there was a way to move my previous two blog posts onto the page about Llenis, because it would make more sense to have all the Llenis information in one spot. But I suppose the main goal of getting her out there for the public to see and learn about has been fulfilled, if not in the way I would prefer.

Taylor Carpenter, 10/14/2017